for ever
1. ADV If you say that something will happen or continue forever, you mean that it will always happen or continue. 永远地[ADV with v]
I think that we will live together forever. 我想我们会永远生活在一起。
2. ADV If something has gone or changed forever, it has gone or changed completely and permanently. 永久地; 彻底地[ADV after v]
The old social order was gone forever. 旧的社会秩序一去不复返了。
3. ADV If you say that something takes forever or lasts forever, you are emphasizing that it takes or lasts a very long time, or that it seems to. 很长久地; 似乎没完没了地[非正式] [ADV after v]
The drive seemed to take forever. 这车好像永远也开不到头似的。
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