相关单词同义词banner, catchline, 近义词 motto 座右铭, expression 表情, phrase 短语, cry 哭, catchword 口号, saying 谚语, jingle 叮当声, catch phrase 吸引人的词句..., watchword 口令, refrain 抑制, mantra 口头禅;颂歌..., saw 锯, shibboleth 陈腔滥调临近词sloop, slog, slogans, sloganize, sloganeer, sloganizeer, sloganistic, slogan poems, slogan pylon, sloganization, slogan of Olympic Games, Slogans of World Cup Teams相似词slobber over sb, sloe, sloe gin, slog, sloganeering, sloop, slop, slop around (sth), 返回 slogan