- adj.(英国政治哲学家)霍布斯的;霍布斯哲学的
- n.霍布斯主义者
- Loading queues often disintegrate into a Hobbesian struggle to nab untaken seats.
排队等车的人们往往会一哄而上,不顾一切地争抢空座位。 - Anarchy is an ideational structure which is compatible with three distinct cutures:Hobbesian Culture,Lockeian Culture and Kantian Culture.
无政府状态正是这样一种观念结构 ,它可以与三种不同的文化相兼容 :霍布斯文化、洛克文化和康德文化。 - Anarchy is an ideational structure which is compatible with three distinct cutures: Hobbesian Culture, Lockeian Culture and Kantian Culture.
无政府状态正是这样一种观念结构,它可以与三种不同的文化相兼容:霍布斯文化、洛克文化和康德文化。 - We cannot get along in a world filled with deceit and defection; such a world becomes a Hobbesian war of all against all, nasty and brutal.
我们不能在充满了欺骗和背叛的世界中和睦相处;这样一个世界会像霍布斯战争那样(某夜注:不知道什么是霍布斯战争),反对一切,恼人,残酷。 - We cannot get along in a world filled with deceit and defection;such a world becomes a Hobbesian war of all against all, nasty and brutal.
- following or similar to the ideas of the political philosopher Thomas Hobbes, especially the idea that humans naturally compete and fight for their own interests