- n.拉斯韦尔
- Abstract : The United States spread of Jurists Lasswell, social watch is the mass of one of the important functions.
摘要 :美国传播学家拉斯韦尔认为,社会守望是大众传播的重要功能之一。 - There is a continual emergence of new paradigm, method and approach of policy study surrounding the issue of back to "the policy science of democracy" by Lasswell.
围绕回到拉斯威尔“民主的政策科学”这一中心议题,新的政策研究范式、方法和途径不断涌现。 - Lasswell,H.&Kaplan,A.(1954).
高勋芳、林盈助、王向葵译(2001)。 - During these crucial years of Pye's intellectual formation, he was a part of a significant contingent of political scientists including Harold Lasswell, Nathan Leites and Gabriel Almond.
参政议政是"士"-知识分子阶层的特权。 - Lasswell's 5w communication model